Reinstalled calipers, bled brakes, replaced white letters on tires, remounted wheels and got her off jacks. Considering how long the brake lines were open, I probably should have bench bled the master cylinder but instead bled with motive power bleeder, then cheated with closed loop method on front driver caliper. Felt good at first, but after a little driving brakes feel soft.
Brakes have been little bit of a concern. I suppose it’s what I’m used to but I’ve had others drive and the first thing they tell me is how soft the brakes are. Pumping the brake with ignition off until they are firm, then pedal gives when I start the engine, I take to mean the booster is not the issue. I’ve watched a few videos how to test the brake system, so I bought a gauge and spray bottles and I’ll try testing vacuum line, vacuum switch and pump and see what I find. And I’ll bleed the brakes again and but this time clutch, too, since I didn’t do that before. I really want to figure it out before getting on the track again.
What I don’t need to figure out anymore is how much I suck at painting and bondo. I bought a rear spoiler and the RDX front spoiler, both unpainted. Tried painting them (Rustoleum 2x for plastic). Clean, prep, primer and first coat seemed to go okay. Second coat I botched everything, just wrinkling everywhere. I’ll need to sand it all back down. I think I’ll try Duplicolor this time.
Bought a GlowShift universal a-pillar triple pod gauge, which was easier than expected to shape with a heat gun. Put too much blue stuff in the first bondo mix, so it set up faster than expected and thicker than I wanted so a lot of sanding it all back down. Thought I had it smooth but paint primer showed all the imperfections so had to sand it all back down … again …. then again … anyway, just a lot of touching it up sanding back down and it’s probably not going to look as nice as I’d like. And after that, I’m not confident how well the paint with match the rest of the trim but haven’t gotten that far yet.
Meantime, I also had windows tinted this week and for now just letting the C70 sit in the garage while the film cures. I don’t drive that much so don’t mind waiting until the weekend. Besides, I want to run down what’s going on with the brakes before any joy rides.
Having said that, the IPD tune is noticeable, not so much power but can definitely feel increase in torque. Not sure how to describe it other than the acceleration ‘pull’ is quicker but smoother moving through the gears.
I wanted to wash the car before taking full view picture, but here’s a few random pics
Next up after running down brake issue: getting a shop to install an extra bung on my downpipe, getting gauges ordered, and sorting out sequence/work steps installing boost/AFR, oil pressure/temp and water pressure/temp gauges (especially wiring). Feel free to debate more important EGT or battery voltage, etc., but I’m done equivocating over what gauges to install!
But would appreciate any advice or thoughts what might be good to look at while I’ve got the dash and waterfall partly opened up to run gauge lines. What’s the blower fan behind the waterfall? I hear that buzz all the time and wonder if there’s something I should do about it. I know it’ll be a good time to check evap/heater core lines for leakage (which someone here keeps nagging me about).