Just before 2 a.m. on a chilly April night in Seattle, a Chevrolet Silverado pickup stopped at an electric vehicle charging station on the edge of a shopping center parking lot. Two men, one with a light strapped to his head, got out. A security camera recorded them pulling out bolt cutters. One man snipped several charging cables; the other loaded them into the truck. In under 2½ minutes, they were gone.
That scene has become part of a troubling nationwide pattern: Thieves have been targeting EV charging stations, intent on stealing the cables that contain copper wiring. The price of copper is near a record high on global markets, which means criminals stand to collect rising sums of cash from selling the material.
The stolen cables often disable entire stations, forcing EV owners to search desperately for a working charger. For the owners, the predicament can be exasperating and stressful. Broken-down chargers have emerged as the latest obstacle for US automakers in their effort to convert more Americans to EVs despite widespread public anxiety about a scarcity of charging stations. About 4 in 10 adults say they believe EVs take too long to charge or don’t know of any charging stations nearby.
Over the past 12 months, thieves in the Seattle metro area have stolen over 100 electric vehicle charging cables, driven mostly by soaring copper scrap prices. This is incredibly frustrating for EV owners who arrive at these charging stations only to find severed cords and unable to charge.
Its not just Washington state but in Los Angeles, Copper wire theft has been a growing problem in the region for years with thieves disabling streetlights and rail lines to pilfer copper wires, which can fetch several dollars per pound at recycling centers. Over the last few years this has cost taxpayers over $17 million. Now thieves have shifted to EV charging cables leaving drivers stranded when they need to charge.
Moving to Detroit, Michigan, thieves are also targeting EV charging stations, intent on stealing the cables, which contain copper wiring. The price of copper is near a record high on global markets, which means criminals stand to collect rising sums of cash from selling the material.
Broken-down chargers have emerged as the latest obstacle for U.S. automakers in their strenuous effort to convert more Americans to EVs despite widespread public anxiety about a scarcity of charging stations.
Sites in Nevada, California, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Pennsylvania have been hit, too.
Stations run by Tesla, which operates the nation’s largest fast-charging network, have been struck as well.
Charging companies say there isn’t actually very much copper in the cables, and what copper is there is difficult to extract. They estimate that criminals can get $15 to $20 per cable at a scrap yard. Still, the more cables the thieves can steal, the more they can cash in. At $20 a cable, 20 stolen cables could fetch $400. Thieves often burn off the insulation and just sell strands of metal.
The charging companies are trying to fight back. Electrify America is installing more security cameras.
If you own an electric car, charging at home is the best option. If you use public charging, don’t run the battery to the end and charge before you are at the end of the charge.
Make sure to use the apps that are built into your vehicle to find the closest charging station so you don’t get stuck without a charge.
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