How Has Growth Been Over The Last Year? Any New And Exciting Products Launching Soon?
In 2022 alone, we introduced a home matching algorithm called Doormatch. Doormatch takes customers’ investment criteria and automatically matches their preferences to the ideal investment home. We also revamped the path to access Doorvest home profiles and how to easily reserve homes of interest. Most importantly, we expanded into 3 new markets: Atlanta, San Antonio, and recently, Oklahoma City. Be on the lookout for more expansions as we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
Tell Us About Your Typical Workday Schedule. What Are Your Morning And Evening Routines? What Are Some Tips You Have For Staying Productive?
My day starts around 7 in the morning. Get up, meditate, drink some coffee or work out, hit the shower, and get ready for the work day. Work begins around 8:30-9 am and runs until 6:30 pm. Then I log off, grab dinner and rinse and repeat. This schedule varies by day as sometimes I’ll do another hour or two in the evenings. But ultimately, my schedule is the same every day for 5 workdays. Fridays and Saturdays are my off days where I intentionally stay away from email and Slack. Initially, I deleted the email app on my phone because I found myself constantly opening emails and scrolling, and there’s a mental stimulation that goes on even when I wasn’t replying to those emails. On Sundays, I’ll work another 2-4 hours to clean up my inbox and give myself a soft start to the week ahead. This routine has given me the right balance to stay energetic, and I believe energy is essential to perform at the highest levels for the long run consistently.
What Are The Top Qualities or Skills You Believe Entrepreneurs Need In Order To Be Successful? Also, What Advice Do You Have For Entrepreneurs Who Are Just Starting Out?
It’s essential to have a strong understanding of your purpose and your “why.” There are many ups and downs in startup environments, so having a clear Northstar that you are working towards is critical, especially in downtimes. Also, it’s vital to ensure that you and your team are resilient and can handle questions like: How do we, as a team/ as a company, withstand outside conditions? How do we ensure we can consistently build despite changing, uncontrollable circumstances?
What Is One Thing About Building A Business You Did Not Know That You’ve Learned So Far Since Launching Doorvest?
It’s very, very hard to build a business. There are tactical and psychological learnings, but when outside conditions constantly evolve, and you are working to bring a platform into existence that’s never done before, it’s inevitably really hard. Many team members would agree. The upside is the magnitude of how rewarding it feels to have brought something to life.
If You Can Have A One-Hour Meeting With Someone Famous Who Is Alive, Who Would It Be?
Tim Ferriss is the first that comes to mind. Tim Ferriss’ books have fundamentally shaped how I view life, work, personal finances, and lifestyle design.
What Is Your Favorite Quote And Why Does It Resonate With You?
“Your problems never cease, they just change.”
At first glance, the quote sounds morbid with your life having problems consistently. But if you take a step back, challenges/ struggles/ problems are inevitability human life. The disconnect here is people tend to think they live an unhappy life until they get a new shiny car, get a new job, make X amount of money, marry a beautiful spouse, etc., and all of their problems will go away. The reality is as soon as you arrive at those milestones, you will want and face new challenges, and enough will never be enough. The goal is to enjoy the journey vs. the destination.