of the start of Christianity the main holiday was Easter. It was in the 4th
Century that church officials made a decision to have the birth of Jesus
celebrated as a holiday and Pope Julius I chose December 25 as the day of
Jesus’ birth. The holiday, which was first called the Feast of the Nativity,
spread to England by the end of the 6th Century and to Scandinavia by the end
of the 8th Century.
industry are responsible for the tradition of having a Christmas tree on
display at Rockefeller Center in New York City. They are credited with placing
an undecorated tree at the site in the early 1930s.
season and period in Nigeria when Rice and chicken/turkey becomes more popular
than the President of the country. If you don’t believe me ask mummy junior and
Governor Ambode about Lake Rice bonanza.
4. JAN 7TH
IS OUR OWN XMAS: Christmas in Ethiopia is celebrated on Jan. 7, around the
time known as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day in North and South America.
and Christmas carols is believed to have originated in England when wandering
musicians would go from town to town and visit castles and other homes of the
rich to give impromptu performances. But there also is the belief that singing
carols at Christmas likely came from the group of angels, shepherds and Wise
Men who visited Jesus at his birth, because they worshiped the holy child, sang
and proclaim praises unto Him. And after their visit, they continued their
proclamations in the street. The origin of the word carol however, is thought
to come from the word ‘caroller,’ which is a French word that describes a
circle dance with singers.
Christmas greeting cards started in Britain in the late 1830s when John Calcott
Horsley started to produce small cards that had festive scenes and a holiday
greeting written inside. Similar cards were also
being made in the United
States at about the same time by R.H. Pease, in Albany, New York, and Louis
Prang, who was a German immigrant. The idea of sending the greeting cards
during Christmas gained popularity in both countries about 10 years later when new
postal delivery services started.
form Xmas for Christmas has been popular in Europe since the 1500s. It is
believed to be derived from the Greek word ‘Xristos’ which means Christ.
Christmas or held as a tradition cannot or has not been verified, or, has
changed through the years. Even Christmas Day itself, Dec. 25, has been
questioned about whether that is the exact day on which Jesus was born.
Skeptics have asked why shepherds would be out in the cold watching their
flocks by night during the winter. Those skeptics have put forward the thought
that Jesus may really have been born in the spring instead. It is therefore
little wonder that there are many fancy stories and tales that are told about
Christmas and the Christmas season.
called Boxing Day in England and it is a national holiday. Several stories
exist for the origination of the name. It is believed to have originated from
the practice of boys who would be about collecting money in clay boxes. Another
thought is that the term is derived from a custom in the Middle Ages, about 800
years ago, when churches would open their ‘alms boxes’ and distribute the
contents to poor people on the day after Christmas. Alms boxes are boxes in
which donations of gifts and money would be placed. Yet another belief is that
it comes from a custom of masters giving their servants Christmas presents in
boxes on the day after Christmas.
not celebrate Christmas and related traditions such as sending greeting cards
are Jehovah Witnesses. Jehovah Witnesses and other non-participating Christian
groups say Christmas isn’t specifically mentioned in the Bible as a time or
reason to celebrate and since they strictly adhere to the word of the Bible,
they refuse to celebrate Christmas.
times, many people worshiped the sun as a god in December because they thought
winter occurred yearly because the sun god had fallen into ill health. They
therefore celebrated the winter solstice because it was a sign that the son god
would begin to regain strength and return to good health.
Christmas is a time to be with family, loved ones and friends, Ibos/Igbos are
the ONLY race in the whole world that travelled the most during xmas season. My
friends Uche, Okoro, Ngozi, Nnamdi,Nkechi,Chi-chi and their kinsmen will always
travel to the East during Xmas, is it a must to go home for Xmas?
for xmas edition of my next article………