Outdoor gear sure is expensive. That’s what makes this rare Black Friday sale on Osprey’s excellent backpacks so appealing. Osprey makes super-rugged and very light packs meant to carry everything you need when you venture out into the wilderness. This sale offers 25 percent off or more on a wide variety of packs, from everyday commuter bags to full-on expedition packs. These sold out very quickly last Black Friday, so don’t delay, or you might be carrying your ultra-light camping kit around in a garbage bag.
Osprey Talon Pro 20L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Silver Lining $149 (was $199)
This is a fantastic all-around backpack that’s comfortable in the wild, but also suitable for going around town. It’s made of Osprey’s NanoFly fabric, which is super-light-weight, but very resistant to damage. It’s packed with pockets, including a pouch for a hydration bladder and a top pocket that’s accessible from the outside. The 20L capacity makes it great for a day hike, or longer if you can be particularly crafty with your packing. It has a ton of great touches on it, too, like zippered pockets built into the hip belt. I like the orange colorway, but the gray is very slick and makes it more versatile if you want to lug it to work without looking like you’re just back from expedition.
Osprey Talon 33L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Eclipse Grey, S/M $119 (was $189)
This is the biggest discount in the bunch and I bet this one will sell out first. The 33L capacity makes this a larger bag, which is great if you have more stuff to bring or you want to stay off the grid longer. The Eclipse Gray is the only version that’s this cheap, so you can save some money if you want to stay low-profile. The Talon is Osprey’s classic line of packs and it has a hard-earned reputation for durability and efficiency.
Osprey backpack Black Friday deals for women
- Osprey Tempest 20L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Jasper Green, WM/L, Extended Fit $119 (was $159)
- Osprey Tempest 9L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Tidal/Atlas, WM/L $104 (was $140)
- Osprey Tempest 9L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Kakio Pink, WXS/S $104 (was $140)
- Osprey Tempest 9L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Kakio Pink, WM/L $104 (was $140)
- Osprey Tempest 20L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Jasper Green, WXS/S, Extended Fit $119 (was $159)
- Osprey Tempest 34L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt $149 (was $199)
- Osprey Tempest Pro 20L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Mars Orange $149 (was $199)
- Osprey Tempest 34L Women’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Stealth Black, WM/L $149 (was $199)
- Osprey Tempest Velocity 30L Women’s Hiking Backpack, Dark Charcoal/Chiru Tan, WM/L $149 (was $200)
- Osprey Ariel 65L Women’s Backpacking Backpack, Black, WXS/S, Extended Fit $239 (was $319)
- Osprey Tempest 6L Women’s Lumbar Hiking Wasit Pack, Tidal/Atlas $66 (was $99)
Osprey backpack Black Friday deals for men
- Osprey Glade 12L Ski and Snowboard Backpack with Hydraulics Water Reservoir $96 (was $130)
- Osprey Talon 11L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Green Belt/Black, L/XL $104 (was $140)
- Osprey Talon 22L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Eclipse Grey, S/M, Extended Fit $119 (was $159)
- Osprey Soelden 22L Men’s Ski and Snowboard Backpack, Black $119 (was $159)
- Osprey Parsec 26L Laptop Backpack, Green Tunnel/Brindle Brown $126 (was $170)
- Osprey Talon Pro 40L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Silver Lining $194 (was $260)
- Osprey Talon Pro 40L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Mars Orange, S/M $194 (was $260)
- Osprey Talon Velocity 20L Men’s Hiking Backpack, Dark Charcoal/Tumbleweed, S/M $134 (was $180)
- Osprey Talon Velocity 20L Men’s Hiking Backpack, Matcha Green/Lemongrass, L/XL $134 (was $180)
- Osprey Talon Pro 40L Men’s Hiking Backpack with Hipbelt, Mars Orange, L/XL $194 (was $260)
- Osprey Aether Pro 75L Men’s Backpacking Backpack, Silver Lining, S/M $299 (was $400)
- Osprey Aether Plus 85L Men’s Backpacking Backpack, Black, S/M $329 (was $439)
- Osprey Talon Jr Boy’s Hiking Backpack, Stealth Black $75 (was $100)