I have an old S80 from 2001 that’s new to me, Really good condition and low milage. I bought it with throttle body issues. I didn’t know anything about it but read up on it. Long story short, after fitting a contactless sensor kit it had the same problem. So I bought a used one today from a scrap yard, it had a yellow label and was made in 06 while mine was made in 00.
Installed it today and seemed well, it came from a car with the exact same engine and everything (2.4T B5244T3 Manual), VIDA told me that it had the same software version as my other one.
I did an ETM test and got good results, very low difference number, sub 1.
Here is a long post I made yesterday asking about my ETM troubles, but haven’t got any replies yet. Just more details explaining my problem before buying another ETM that I went ahead and did anyway: Questions before buying a new ETM – 2001 S80
I took my car out earlier after I was done and at first everything seemed to work well with my new ETM. But then I noticed that when I tried to accelerate harder it would sort of hesitate, like jerk briefly with no power for a second or two. Then it would speed up like it should until I switched from 3rd to 4th and hit the gas pedal again and it would do the same jerking with no power for a second and then catch up and rev up like it should.
This was similar to how it was previously with the bad ETM, but not quite as bad I don’t think.
As I was driving back home I was slowing down to make a sharp turn, engine braking as I was shifting down, as I hit the clutch to go from 3rd to second the engine just died on me, like the rpms went down too low and it died. Started it back up while still rolling and drove the rest of the short way.
I was then reading about all sorts of issues and fixes and wrote down that I should maybe clean the MAF, check vacuum hoses, change spark plugs etc.
I was curious to check when the spark plugs were replaced so I went out to the garage and looked through the papers. It was very recent so that wouldn’t be necessary. I looked over some hoses and stuff but couldn’t really find anything or think of anything.
I thought I’d take it for a little spin just to test how it feels again.
It felt good at first but I didn’t get far, I was speeding up and suddenly the car was just slowing down. I hit the gas pedal and nothing at all happened. not a single thing. It was slowing down more and more and I was shifting down as i slowed down and when I came to a low enough rpm it just cut out.
After this I couldn’t start it. It cranks over but won’t start. I was towed home.
This is where I’m at, I know it isn’t much to go by right now, it’s late and I need to go to bed for work tomorrow but will look into it more tomorrow. I just thought I’d create a thread where you guys could possibly help point me in the right direction, before it died tonight it was still the problem with the jerking while accelerating even with the new ETM.
One thing I came to think of was the “hairs” coming out of my muffler. So maybe that’s a first thing to check if it’s blocked up by the material inside as it seems to be falling apart. Would that fit the symptoms that I have?
Pretty funny if that’s all it is, I came to think of it as I was typing this. I saw some of the “hairs” the other day and pulled some out, next time after driving it there was more.
Anything else you can think of would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!