CNC machine use to make parts out of aluminum is an art form. You must be careful as you operate these machines. They’re large and powerful, and you need the requisite training to ensure you don’t hurt yourself while using them.
CNC machining for aluminum parts is something that is potentially profitable, which is why many individuals get into this profession. If you do, though, you want to be sure to avoid part deformation.
Let’s discuss how you can do that.

Try to Use Salvaged Components
If you want to operate a CNC machine and use exclusively aluminum for your jobs, using salvaged components makes a lot of sense if you are trying to avoid deformation. Salvaged components have presumably been pre-treated. This means that some of the job has been done for you already.
Pre-Treat Your Aluminum Alloys
Preheat treating your aluminum alloys is another necessary component to avoid part deformation. Doing so makes sure that each part has the strength and the ductility that you’re looking for. Pre-heat treating should become a part of your routine if you’re working exclusively with aluminum in the CNC machining realm.
Reduce Any Internal Stress
You will definitely want to implement stress-relief procedures. This usually involves roughing the part you’re using, taking it out and flipping it, and then roughing the other side just as thoroughly before you finish it. By doing so, you will end up with a piece of tempered aluminum that should suit its intended purpose well.
Use Stratified Multiple Machining
If you use stratified multiple machining techniques while working on a piece of aluminum, then you can process all the cavities present simultaneously. This is a huge step you can take toward minimizing the possibility of part deformation. Essentially, you can look at it as another form of stress testing.
Use Symmetric Machining
The term “symmetric machining” in this context basically just means attacking the piece of aluminum that you’re using from multiple angles or sides. This is a way for you to distribute the thermal energy you are creating in a more even way.
You are also reducing heat concentration at the same time. By avoiding overheating any particular part of the aluminum and distributing the created thermal energy evenly, you stand a great chance of ending up with a solid part that retains its shape.
Select Your Materials Carefully
There are different types of aluminum alloy you can use in CNC machining. You should try to select ones that have ductility and strength, though. You can also preheat the select pieces to reduce their internal stress before you start the more delicate work.
Improve Your Clamping Techniques
Your clamping techniques will also go a long way toward making sure that you avoid part deformation. If you clamp in such a way that you are evenly distributing pressure, that’s another sure way to avoid parts bending in a way that you don’t want.
If you keep this in mind, your aluminum CNC machining project should go fine.
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