Your heat pump shouldn’t smell like anything when it’s working properly. Therefore, any strange smell is a sign of trouble. Here are some worrisome heat pump odors you might notice in your Locus Grove, VA, home:
Musty Smell
You many notice a musty or “dirty socks” smell if microbial is growing on a wet evaporator or in your home’s ductwork. Regular heat pump maintenance should prevent this problem.
Fishy Smell
Fishy smells coming from your heat pump usually are signs of an electrical or mechanical problem. Common culprits include an overheating motor, wiring issues or melting plastic components. These are all serious problems, so call a repair professional to have them fixed as soon as possible.
Rotten Egg Smell
A rotten egg smell in your home may be from a natural gas leak, but heat pumps don’t rely on natural gas. If the smell is coming from your heat pump, a small animal may have climbed inside of it and died. If you can’t find the source yourself to remove it, enlist the help of a professional to take a closer look. Don’t attempt heat pump repairs yourself.
Chloroform-Like Smell
The smell from a heat pump refrigerant leak is often faintly sweet, chemical-like and slightly chloroform-like. Some describe it as a mix of ether and nail polish remover, with a sharp and slightly metallic edge. Don’t attempt refrigerant repairs yourself, as this chemical is dangerous to handle without the proper training.
Burning Smell
A burning smell coming from your heat pump is a serious issue that needs professional intervention. The smell is likely because of burning rubber or melting plastic from an electrical issue. A burning smell that only occurs for a short while when you first turn the system on is usually just due to light dust, but a persistent smell signals danger.
Strange odors coming from a heat pump are never good, so call Custom/Design Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule a heat pump repair. We’ll inspect your system and ensure every component is running smoothly.
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