FOXY Lady blog is all about motoring and (by and large) written by and for women. Our new blog has moved to the domain but you can still search our blog archive (2006-2017) via the lefthand search bar here.
Here’s how to find your way about our new FOXY Lady Blog which is filed into the following sections.
This is a popular section comprising car reviews written by and for women.
If you’d like to write a review for us, we’ll thank you with a gift membership of FOXY Lady Drivers Club. Just email [email protected] to request headings.
These blogs have been written or edited by women for women. Some readers might find them a bit light on jargon? That’s because few females are petrol heads or mechanically-minded, although we welcome information from those who are.

This is where FOXY Steph Savill adds her thoughts about the motor industry and women drivers in general.
If the motor industry spent more time regulating minimum quality standards it wouldn’t need so many complaints handling solutions. That sort of thing.
This is where you’ll find the latest FOXY blog posts, across all sections.
Whilst the industry remains male heavy at the top of most automotive businesses we’re encouraged by the wealth of female talent in the wings and en route to boardrooms everywhere. So we work hard to promote as many careers to women as we can.
To appear in this section, email [email protected] to request interview headings.
Why should the majority of the motor racing sponsorship money still go to male racers? Here we put the spotlight on the many fast women racers out there.
If you’d like to appear in this section email [email protected] to request interview headings.
In a busy world where none of us seem to have any spare time for our cars, easy to read and clearly bulleted tips come into their own when we don’t know what we don’t know…
Again we try to make these tips as female friendly as possible without patronising our own.