BCM can be Body Control Module or ECM for different manufactures.
Below is VIDA info for TCM-P072500
Do you any other codes in the ECM or CEM.
Another code could keep this one from being erased.
I do not have an answer of what to try next for this code.
TCM-P072500 Engine Speed Input Circuit. General Failure Information. No sub type information, B6304T4, TF-80SC AWD
Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) information TCM-P072500
The engine control module (ECM) transmits a signal on engine speed on the CAN network. The transmission control module (TCM) uses the signal to check the lock-up function.
The diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is stored if the control module detects that:
There is no speed (rpm) signal from the engine control module (ECM) or the signal is faulty.
The control module’s test for the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) starts in the event of:
Ignition on and when CAN network is OK.
Note! The control module can only detect the fault once the test has been started and the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is stored when the conditions are met.
Substitute value
Auxiliary program Emergency mode 3 in the transmission control module (TCM) has started.
Emergency mode in case of malfunction
Possible source
Fault-trace the central electronic module (CEM).
Locate the cause of the fault in the engine control module (ECM).
Intermittent open circuit or short-circuit on the CAN lead between the engine control module (ECM) and the transmission control module (TCM).
Fault symptom
Automatic transmission/No automatic gearshift
Automatic transmission/No manual gear shift
Driving/Poor performance/lacks power
Automatic transmission/Lockup does not work
Automatic transmission/Shifts rough or jerky/Unsure when/at all times
Text window and warning symbol/Yellow symbol and text message
Warning lights and chimes/Malfunction Indicator Light (“Check engine” light) indication/no indication
TCM-P072500 Engine Speed Input Circuit. General Failure Information. No sub type information, B6304T4, TF-80SC AWD
There is no fault-tracing for this diagnostic fault code (DTC).
A diagnostic trouble code for CAN communication can be stored in the central electronic module (CEM). IN some cases, a diagnostic trouble code is stored in other affected control modules. This diagnostic trouble code is not to be erased until any CAN communication trouble codes in the central electronic module (CEM) or engine control module (ECM) are remedied and erased.
Therefore, first read the diagnostic trouble codes in the central electronic module (CEM) and the engine control module (ECM), perform troubleshooting and remedy as necessary. If no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are stored, fault-trace the controller area network (CAN) as follows. This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) can then be erased.
For further information on this diagnostic trouble code, see Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) information.