400 kPa and 35% Duty cycle is spec. You are correct that possibly a weak fuel pump needs the ECM to send 64% duty cycle to maintain 400 kPa. Duty cycle is the electronic command to control the ground side on/off of the fuel pump. 100% Duty cycle would be full 12 volts. Could it be a blocked and/or a pinched fuel line? The replacement is a Bosch fuel pump, not sure that this is a pump issue. You have the same code before and after. Look under the car on the passenger side for a pinched fuel line from the tank, filter to the engine area. Could the trash in the tank have blocked up the fuel filter? A blocked fuel filter would be the best solution. 1. It fixed the issue. 2. The filter worked and did its job at collecting trash from the tank.
Vehicle communication information, engine control module (ECM), B5254T2
Description of parameters, Engine control module (ECM)
Not all the parameters described need to be implemented in the control module. This varies between different systems and markets.
Bank 1: indicates cylinders 1-3 on 6 cylinder engines and all cylinders on 5 cylinder engines. The rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) on cars with fuel trim using the Y-concept (two front heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) and one rear heated oxygen sensors (HO2S)) is called “Bank 1”.
Bank 2: indicates cylinders 4-6 on 6-cylinder engines.
Parameters, value
Engine speed (rpm)
Measurement range: 0-10400 rpm.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the engine speed (RPM) from the engine speed (RPM) sensor signal.
The idle speed varies depending on the engine coolant temperature (ECT).
Idling speed, difference desired value (rpm)
Measurement range: between -1280-1270 rpm.
The value indicates the idle speed deviation from the engine control module (ECM) desired value (target value).
Battery voltage (V)
Measurement range: 0-17.95 V.
The normal value is 13.5-14.5 V when the generator (GEN) is charging.
The value indicates the voltage from the system relay to the engine control module (ECM).
Engine coolant temperature (ECT) (°C)
Measurement range: -48 to +143 °C.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the temperature from the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal.
Intake air temperature (IAT) (°C)
Measurement range: -48 to +143 °C.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the temperature from the temperature sensor for the intake air.
The temperature sensor is integrated in the boost pressure sensor.
Outside temperature (°C)
Measurement range: -40 to +110 °C.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the temperature from the outside temperature sensor signal.
Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
Measurement range: 0-5120 hPa.
The value indicates atmospheric pressure at the engine control module (ECM).
The sensor is integrated in the engine control module (ECM).
Normal value at sea level is 1,013 hPa.
Ignition advance (°BTDC)
Measurement range: -96 to +95.3° before top dead centre (BTDC).
The value is calculated from the engine speed (RPM) sensor signal.
The value when idling varies depending on the engine coolant temperature (ECT).
Boost pressure (hPa)
Measurement range: 0-2550 hPA.
The value is calculated from the boost pressure. It indicates the pressure in the intake system downstream of the turbocharger (TC).
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the boost pressure from the boost pressure sensor. The pressure is relative to atmospheric pressure.
Turbocharger (TC) control valve (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The value indicates the deployment signal from the control module for deploying the turbocharger (TC) control valve, the amount the turbocharger (TC) control valve opens to adjust the turbo pressure.
0% = no control (turbocharger (TC) control valve closed).
100% = full control (the turbocharger (TC) control valve opens completely).
Mass air flow (kg/h)
Measurement range: 0-1020 kg/h.
The value indicates the mass air flow that passes through the mass air flow (MAF) sensor.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value based on the signal from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor.
Normal value with the engine at operating temperature and idling, neutral and air conditioning (A/C) switched off: approximately 12–20 kg/h.
Note! Other values apply if the generator (GEN) is under load, if for example, high beam is on, the heated rear windshield is on etc.
Mass air flow, correction value
Measurement range: 0-4.
The value is a stored average of the correction factor of the mass air flow that the engine draws in.
Mass air flow, correction factor= The control module’s calculated desired value for the mass air flow divided by (/) the actual measured mass air flow.
Normal value: 1 (±0.2).
Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor, analog (V)
Measurement range: 0-320 V.
Analog signal from the accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor to the engine control module (ECM). The control module derives the value from the analog output for the accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor.
The value indicates the accelerator pedal (AP) position.
Approximately 0.5 V = the accelerator pedal (AP) completely released.
Approximately 4.0 V = the accelerator pedal (AP) completely depressed.
Throttle angle (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value from potentiometer 1 for the throttle position (TP) sensor. The value indicates the throttle opening.
If a fault is detected in the throttle position (TP) sensor, potentiometer 1 by the engine control module (ECM), the value from the throttle position (TP) sensor potentiometer 2 will be used to represent the throttle angle.
0% = throttle shut.
100% = throttle fully open.
The value must follow the parameter “Throttle angle, desired value” when the accelerator pedal (AP) is affected.
Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor, pulse width modulation (PWM) (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The PWM signal from the accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor to the engine control module (ECM). The control module derives the value from the digital output for the accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor.
The value indicates the accelerator pedal (AP) position.
Approximately 5% = the accelerator pedal (AP) is completely released.
Approximately 80% = the accelerator pedal (AP) is fully depressed.
Throttle angle, desired value (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates a target value for the throttle opening (throttle angle).
The value indicates what the throttle angle should be.
0% = throttle shut.
100% = throttle fully open.
Throttle angle, potentiometer 1 (%)
Measurement range 0 – 100 %.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the value from potentiometer 1 for the throttle sensor (TP).
The value indicates the throttle opening.
0 % = throttle shut.
100 % = throttle fully open.
Throttle angle, potentiometer 2 (%)
Measurement range 0 – 100 %.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the value from potentiometer 2 for the throttle sensor (TP).
The value indicates the throttle opening.
0 % = throttle shut.
100 % = throttle fully open.
Throttle position (TP) sensor, potentiometer 1 (V)
Measurement range: 0-80 V.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the value from potentiometer 1 for the throttle position (TP) sensor.
The value must increase with increased throttle angle.
Approximately 0.5 V = throttle closed.
Approximately 4.0 V = wide open throttle (WOT).
Throttle position (TP) sensor, potentiometer 2 (V)
Measurement range: 0-80 V.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the value from potentiometer 2 for the throttle position (TP) sensor.
The value must decrease with an increased throttle angle.
Approximately 4.0 V = throttle closed.
Approximately 0.5 V = wide open throttle (WOT).
Leakage flow over the throttle (kg/h)
Measurement range: 0-655 kg/h.
The value indicates how much air passes through the throttle at closed throttle position (CTP). The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor and the throttle position (TP) sensor signals.
Air conditioning (A/C) pressure (kPa)
Measurement range: -176 to +3277 kPa.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value from the signal from the air conditioning (A/C) pressure sensor.
The value indicates the pressure at the high-pressure side of the air conditioning (A/C) system.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the pressure based on the signal from the air conditioning (A/C) pressure sensor. The pressure is given as a value relative to the atmospheric pressure.
Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The value indicates the deployment signal from the control module for deploying the evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve (the amount the valve opens to empty the canister).
0% = no control (Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve closed).
100% = full control (Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve opens completely).
EVAP, flow (kg/h)
Measurement range: 0-25 kg/h.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the flow through the evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve. This value increases with increased flow.
Injection period bank x (ms)
Measurement range: 0.0 – 150 ms.
The signal transmitted by the engine control module (ECM) for injection period.
Normal value when the engine idles at operating temperature: 1.0 – 3.0 ms.
Short-term fuel trim, bank x
Measurement range: 0-2.
The value displays how much the injection period needs to be corrected (from the preprogrammed injection period in the control module) to reach λ=1. If the engine runs lean or rich (λ deviates from 1), the short-term fuel trim injection period is increased or decreased so that λ=1. The average value of this parameter from different engine speed and load ranges is used for the different fuel trim adaptations (idling, lower partial load and upper partial load) so that the short-term fuel trim is always around 1.
Short-term fuel trim = the actual injection period required to reach λ=1, divided by (/) the injection period in preprogrammed in the control module to reach λ=1.
The normal value oscillates around 1, when the lambda adaptations for each engine speed (RPM) / load range are ready.
Value over 1: the control module increases the injection period (to prevent a lean fuel / air mix).
Value under 1: the control module decreases the injection period (to prevent a rich fuel air mix).
The parameter must be checked under stable conditions, such as stable engine speed (RPM) and load.
When λ deviates from 1, the short-term fuel trim initially compensates at every engine speed (RPM) / load range (idle speed and load). When erasing the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), the adaptation values will be reset. This means the short-term fuel trim will be high or low when driving in the low engine speed/load ranges before the adaptations are ready. For more information about fuel-trim adaptation, see VIDA Design and Function, Fuel trim.
Long-term fuel trim bank x, idle speed (%)
Measurement range: between -72 and +72%.
Additive adaptation of the short-term fuel trim (correcting the injection period), adaptation that occurs at idle speed. The value indicates how much the short-term fuel trim has been corrected at idle speed so that the short-term fuel trim value can again oscillate around 1.
In the event of an air leakage for example, the value will increase at idle speed (= longer injection time). This is to compensate the fuel / air mix for air capacity. Regardless of the load /engine speed, the same injection time is added. This means that the parameter value does not significantly affect the fuel / air mix at higher loads / engine speeds.
Normal value when the engine is idling: 0 ±5%.
Value over 0%: the control module increases the injection period (to prevent a lean fuel / air mix).
Value less than 0%: the control module decreases the injection period (to prevent a rich fuel air mix).
When diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are erased, the adaptation returns to 0%. For more information about fuel-trim adaptation, see VIDA Design and Function, Fuel trim.
Long-term fuel trim bank x, lower part load
Measurement range: 0-2.
Multiplicative adaptation of the short-term fuel trim (correcting the injection period), adaptation that occurs at lower part load (normal road driving). The value stored in the control module indicates how much the short-term fuel trim in the upper part load range has been corrected so that the short-term fuel trim value can again oscillate around 1 at the lower part load. In the event of low fuel pressure for example, the value will increase (= longer injection time). This is to compensate the fuel/air mix for the lack of fuel. Normal value 1 ± 0.1. The lower part load range of the engine must be reached for the value to be updated (normal road driving). Approximately 30 minutes of driving in the lower part load may be required before the adaptation is complete (complete = short-term fuel trim oscillates around 1 at lower part load). Value over 1: the control module increases the injection period (to prevent a lean fuel / air mix). Value under 1: the control module decreases the injection period (to prevent a rich fuel air mix).
When diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are erased, the adaptation returns to 1. For more information about fuel-trim adaptation, see VIDA Design and Function, Fuel trim.
Long-term fuel trim bank x, upper part load
Measurement range: 0-2.
Multiplicative adaptation of the short-term fuel trim (correcting the injection period), adaptation that occurs at lower part load (normal road driving). The value stored in the control module indicates how much the short-term fuel trim in the upper part load range has been corrected so that the short-term fuel trim value can again oscillate around 1 at the lower part load. In the event of low fuel pressure for example, the value will increase (= longer injection time). This is to compensate the fuel/air mix for the lack of fuel. Normal value 1 ± 0.1. The lower part load range of the engine must be reached for the value to be updated (normal road driving). Approximately 30 minutes of driving in the lower part load may be required before the adaptation is complete (complete = short-term fuel trim oscillates around 1 at lower part load). Value over 1: the control module increases the injection period (to prevent a lean fuel / air mix). Value under 1: the control module decreases the injection period (to prevent a rich fuel air mix).
When diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are erased, the adaptation returns to 1. For more information about fuel-trim adaptation, see VIDA Design and Function, Fuel trim.
Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank x (λ)
Measurement range: 0-16.
Normal value is λ=1.
If the mixture is rich, λ is less than 1.
If the mixture is lean, λ is greater than 1.
Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank x (V)
Measurement range: -0.2 to +1.13.
The signal from the rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) to the engine control module (ECM).
Normal value when the engine is running at even load is approximately 0.6 V.
The voltage may vary between -0.2 and 0.9 V. The voltage may, during engine braking for example, drop to -0.2 V.
Fuel pressure (Pa)
Measurement range: 50-4680 kPa.
The parameter indicates absolute pressure.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the pressure from the fuel pressure sensor signal. When idling, with the engine at operating temperature and in neutral, the value should be approximately 400 kPa.
The value must follow “Fuel pressure, desired value”.
Fuel pressure, desired value (Pa)
Measurement range: 0-6553.5 kPa.
The parameter indicates absolute pressure.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the target value for “Fuel pressure”. The value indicates what the fuel pressure should be.
Fuel temperature (°C)
Measurement range: -40 to +215 °C.
The engine control module (ECM) derives the temperature from the fuel temperature sensor signal. The fuel temperature sensor is integrated in the fuel pressure sensor.
Fuel pump (FP), workload (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%.
The value shows the PWM signal between the engine control module (ECM) and the fuel pump (FP) control module. A higher pulse ratio gives a higher fuel pressure. At 400 kPa the pulse ratio must be approximately 35% (±5%). The values are not relevant if the battery voltage is too low.
Oil level (%)
Measurement range 0-100%.
The value indicates the oil level signal pulse ratio from the PWM signal generated by the oil level sensor. The signal passes between the engine control module (ECM) and the oil level sensor. The value must be between 17-83% depending on the oil level.
Brake pedal position (via the brake control module (BCM))
Measurement range 0-100%.
The engine control module (ECM) receives the value from the brake control module (BCM) via the Control area network (CAN). The value indicates the brake pedal position.
When the brake pedal is not affected the value is approximately 0%. The value increases as the brake pedal is pressed.
Speed (km/h)
Measurement range: 0-319 km/h
The vehicle speed is shown from the brake control module (BCM) via the controller area network (CAN).
Engine cooling fan (FC) (%)
Measurement range: 0-100%
Pulse width modulation (PWM) signals transmitted by the engine control module (ECM) to the engine cooling fan (FC) control module to control the speed of the engine cooling fan (FC).
Reset valve camshaft, intake / exhaust (CA)
Measurement range: 0-100%
The pulse ratio transmitted by the engine control module (ECM) to control the camshaft reset valve.
The value indicates control of the camshaft reset valve to control the camshaft position (angle).
The normal value when the camshaft is deployed and in the fixed position is approximately 50%. The value increases/decreases depending on control of the camshaft.
Camshaft shift angle, (intake/ exhaust) (°)
Measurement range: between -256 CA and +256 CA.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value by comparing the position of the camshaft with the position of the crankshaft. The value indicates the angle of the camshaft. This is the offset of the camshaft 0 position in relation to the crankshaft TDC (0). (The camshaft 0-position = the set alignment of the camshaft position with the crankshaft.)
Desired value for the camshaft shift angle, intake/exhaust
Measurement range: between -256 CA and +256 CA.
The value indicates the target value of the engine control module (ECM) for “Camshaft shift angle ” (actual shift angle). The “Desired value for the camshaft shift angle” can be altered by changing the engine speed (RPM)/load.
Camshaft shift angle leeway, intake/exhaust
Measurement range: between -256 CA and +256 CA.
The value indicates the difference between the “Camshaft shift angle” (actual shift angle) and the desired value for the camshaft shift angle (target value for the engine control module (ECM)). Changing the “Camshaft shift angle” is achieved by changing the engine speed (RPM)/load. The normal value varies depending on how far the camshaft is operated and the temperature/grade of the engine oil, although the value must never deviate by more than between ±10 degrees for longer than approximately 4 seconds.
Camshaft adaptation, intake/exhaust (CA)
Measurement range: between -511 to +511 degrees.
The value indicates the camshaft deviation from the basic setting.
The value is 0 degrees when the camshaft position (angle) corresponds with the crankshaft position (angle). Normal value is 0 degrees ±8 degrees.
The value is updated following adaptation of the camshaft position (angle position). The adaptation is performed when the camshaft control is not active (fully returned camshaft).
Misfire counter
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the overall total for the number of misfires affecting emissions or causing catalytic converter damage for all cylinders during a certain number of crankshaft revolutions.
The normal value is 0 (no misfiring).
Misfire counter, cyl x
The value indicates the number of misfires for each cylinder during the present operating cycle.
The value is affected by misfires which affect emissions and cause catalytic converter damage.
The normal value is 0 (no misfiring).
The value is reset when the ignition is switched off.
Parameter, status
Coolant level sensor
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the status from the engine coolant level switch.
The status indicates the engine coolant level in the expansion tank.
Throttle unit adaptation
If necessary the engine control module (ECM) runs an adaptation of the throttle unit by guiding the throttle to the limit positions (open/closed) so that it “ learns” the parameters of that actual throttle unit.
The status indicates if the adaptation has been run or not.
OK = Adaptation of the throttle unit has run.
NOT OK = Adaptation of the throttle unit has not run.
Note! The basic conditions must be met before an adaptation of the throttle unit can be carried out.
Automatic transmission
Only vehicles that have an automatic transmission.
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the status of the signal from the transmission control module (TCM) via CAN.
ON = the gear selector is in position “D” or another gear is selected.
OFF = the gear selector is in position “P” or “N”
Cruise control resume
The cruise control must be on when reading this parameter.
OFF= resume button unaffected.
ON = resume button activated.
Cruise control set+
The cruise control must be on when reading this parameter.
OFF= SET+ unaffected.
ON = SET+ affected.
Cruise control set-
The cruise control must be on when reading this parameter.
OFF= SET- unaffected.
ON = SET- affected.
Stop lamp switch
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value from the stop lamp switch.
ON = stop lamp switch on.
OFF = stop lamp switch unaffected.
Air conditioning (A/C) compressor, active
The signal transmitted by the engine control module (ECM) for activating the air conditioning (A/C) compressor relay.
OFF = The engine control module (ECM) does not activate the air conditioning (A/C) compressor relay.
ON = The engine control module (ECM) activates the air conditioning (A/C) compressor relay.
Oil pressure sensor
The engine control module (ECM) calculates the value from the oil pressure switch signal.
ON = the oil pressure switch circuit is closed, signal to the driver information module (DIM) via CAN for lit oil pressure warning lamp.
OFF = the oil pressure switch circuit is open, signal to the driver information module (DIM) via CAN for oil pressure warning lamp not lit.
Long-term fuel trim, bank x
C/L= Closed Loop, fuel trim is active
O/L = Open Loop, fuel trim is not active
Fuel pump (FP) relay
OFF = The engine control module (ECM) does not request fuel pump (FP) relay activation.
ON = The engine control module (ECM) requests fuel pump (FP) relay activation via CAN to the central electronic module (CEM).
Boost pressure (actual value)
Measurement range: 0-2000 hPa, absolute pressure (boost pressure- absolute zero pressure(0 hPa)).
The Engine control module (ECM) receives information about the current boost pressure via the boost pressure sensor.
The actual value must correspond to the desired value ± 50hPa.
Boost pressure (desired value)
Measurement range: 0-2000 hPa, absolute pressure (boost pressure- absolute zero pressure(0 hPa)).
The engine control module (ECM) receives information about the current throttle angle via the throttle position sensor, speed (rpm), engine load, knocks etc. These parameters are used to calculate the boost pressure that is permitted in various operating conditions.